Kiss you all over...

Poor old Reg is sporting the Cone of Shame at the moment.

I think I may have alluded to this before, but Reg is not the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer (when the good Lord was handing out brains, he thought he said 'trains' and asked for a slow one) and getting into my car has had its moments of shame (on his part) and humour (on mine).  

Last week he took a huge run up to the boot of my car and face-planted in spectacular fashion.  Percy, who had already been lifted into the car as befitting a gentleman of advanced years, almost had a middle-aged accident as he watched Reg disappear over the edge into a furry puddle on the gravel.

We thought nothing of it until later in the day when Percy started being very amorous towards Reg, licking his face consistently.  Now this is quite normal behaviour for Percy especially when the little Shih Tzu four doors down is in season.  As the husband says, 'Any port in a storm'.  Reg seemed very happy to have this affection, sitting in the lounge with his eyes glazed over while his normally distant brother gave him the dog version of an expensive meal out and a box of Terrys All Gold.

Well, it turned out that Percy wasn't loving Reg, but simply licking at a small cut which had probably happened when he fell out the boot.  One trip to the vets, £98 lighter, and Reg returned home with an inflatable buster collar and strict instructions not to let Percy anywhere near him.  

All was going well until bedtime, when in a fit of pique, Reg managed to get the collar off and destroy it.  So now he has the Cone of Shame which is going nowhere, however hard he tries. He's not that great at adjusting his spacial awareness, and the backs of my calves are splattered with bruises where his emergency stops come too late.

Percy had been upstairs when the cone was first tried on, and having got Reg settled on his bed, Percy ambled downstairs to see what was going on. 

He hasn't stopped laughing since...


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