
Eight years ago, I came up with the idea of writing a diary for my children which I would put into the public domain. 

And so Words from a Bird began.  Two thousand posts and almost a million words later, I am still going.  But like all of us, lives change.  Eight years ago, my life was all about the four children, schools, universities, boyfriends, girlfriends, work, my husband, family and the dogs. Much of that is still relevant today, thank goodness, but we now add in two weddings (one more pending), grandchildren (one, and again, one pending), retirement and looking after parents.

So to all my completely gorgeous readers, to the ones who have been with me right from the start and to the new ones who have discovered me just this week, thank you for coming along for the ride with me.  I hope I carry on making you giggle for many years to come!  

If you don't want to miss anything, just follow the Words from a Bird page.

And when I am a very old lady, I hope that my children will be able to look at my blog, and say, 'This is our mum'...


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