We are family...

It's official.  I love Scotland.

Of course, the weather has helped.  This was totally unexpected, and I spent most of this morning trying to fashion a bikini out of my thermal drawers.  The husband has taken the scissors to his hiking trousers, and the two furballs are sweating like a couple of turkeys on Christmas Eve.

We ticked off a couple of things from my bucket list today. A trip to Jedburgh where a long distant relative lived.  This information came to light via my dad's family tree which I have been doing for the past few months.  Having got quite fed up with various down and outs, publicans and weavers, you can only begin to imagine my joy at finding a relation who had a title. Lord High Treasurer to Mary, Queen of Scots.  

Now, this chap seemed quite a typical Richardson (my sister will back me up on this!) as he pawned his Queen's jewellery to get himself out of a bit of a fix with the English.  So we had gone to Jedburgh to see if we could find his grave. We were pointed in the right direction, but there were some very sniffy ladies at the the cemetery who basically implied that if it wasn't for my long lost relative, Scotland would still have a queen.  

Having been run out of Jedburgh, we then headed back into England to Bamburgh Castle. This was much safer territory, and as huge fans of The Last Kingdom, we were thrilled to see costumes from the show together with all the other history it has to offer.  It ticked more boxes than I ever thought possible.

Today also saw the start of tat-buying.  Mrs S (best friend one who has fled the UK for California) is holding a Burns Night for her new American friends, and there will be a large parcel heading her way when we return.  So far, I have a Scottish flag, tartan napkins and another pack of napkins full of Scottish swear words. 

Most of which the husband has used at some point today...


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