Donald, where's your trousers...

As well as me being a complete Jamie Fraser fan (if you don't know this character, check out Outlander - you can thank me afterwards), the husband is as big a fan - more of the fighting and blokey stuff, rather than heaving bodices and a cracking love story, so you will imagine that I wasn't that surprised when the husband announced that he wanted to go to the Lochcarron Weavers.  

A veritable emporium of tartans, with a large book listing out every name possible with its corresponding clan tartan.  Now I have a very clear line with the Buchanan clan, having had family living in Scotland for around five hundred years before they decided that London was a better option (fools), but the husband (born in Cheshire) has no such connection.

'Let's look in the book', I suggested.  'You might be lucky'.

Well.  The nearest we could find was a surname very similar to his but with an rogue 'L' in the spelling.  'That'll do, he said. 

Lovely readers, I left him on his own for five minutes...

Quietly buying Buchanan blue scarves down the other end of the shop, I moseyed on up to where I'd left him, only to find him wearing a beautiful Highland jacket and waistcoat, his trousers round his ankles (walking boots still on as time was not on his side) and a rather lovely shop assistant crouched down in front of him holding a kilt in place.  Apparently, it was far too small, so she was holding it up for effect.

'Well, what do you think?' asked the new McHusband giving the kilt a bit of a swish and nearly taking out the shop assistant's left eye in the process.

For once, words failed me. 'When are you planning on wearing this?' I asked weakly, wondering if he was going to fulfil my dreams of moving up here and opening the best B&B in the Highlands.

'I thought I might wear it to the wedding'.  This would be son number one's wedding to Little Miss Tiny in May.  'We could run it past them, I suppose?'

'Send them a picture of me and see what they say', he said, striking as manly a pose as he could with a strange lady clamped to his right hip.

I did as I was told.

Not heard a peep from any of the kids since.  

One 'L' of a surprise really...


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