I got stripes...

So happy Platinum Jubilee to you all.  As you all celebrate, festooned in red, white and blue, swearing never to look at another scone or (if you were lucky) a special edition Corgi and Queen Colin the Caterpillar cake (what is it with us Brits that every special occasion calls for a heavily iced, humanized, chocolate Swiss Roll?) the husband decided to do his own thing on this auspicious day and lay a concrete plinth for my pending greenhouse (ordered in February, estimated delivery end of August which is most useful).

To be honest, I'd forgotten he'd planned this, but having returned from the Menopausal Splashers Class (you might recognise this already as Aqua Aerobics) the picture that greeted me as I attempted to get within 20 yards of my front door was a topless young fellow (not the husband) and a cement mixer.  Heading round the back with a polite nod to the topless Adonis in the drive, I headed round the back of the house to find the husband similarly (un) attired.  

'How's it going?' I asked.

Well ladies, there was a modicum of harrumphing and I caught a whiff of the words 'bloody greenhouse', but sensing that there was no point whatsoever in continuing this conversation, I headed inside to start baking stuff for our street party which is planned tomorrow.

If we fast forward several hours, the younger of the two topless fellows has left, heading for the pub with a few quid in his pocket along with one of my lemon drizzle cakes which had just come out of the oven.  He was planning a quick t-shirt change (hardly necessary as he never wore it) and then off to the pub with his mates for a few beers and a curry.

Now let's focus on the love of my life...

Basically, as soon as the young lad was out of earshot, he kicked his boots off (kept his socks on for some reason) and collapsed onto the deckchair where he has now been snoring for the past two hours.  He also still has his sunglasses on and the sun is so hot it's cracking patio slabs everywhere.

So basically, he is white, then red, then white, then red, then white, then red.

I've been looking for bunting all week.  Looking at the state of him, I don't know why I bothered.  I'll just strategically place him around the street party tomorrow with a blue hat on to get the full patriotic effect.

I'm also happy to hire him out for Sunday if you are lacking bunting....


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