Soul cake...

As we meander through Lockdown, The Sequel, I seem to lurch from one virtual quiz night to the next, the only excitement of the week being what outfit I am going to inflict on the poor husband on the Saturday night.

So you can imagine his delight when the theme for this week's quiz was announced as being 'Black and White'. 

'Well, that's easy', said the husband, 'James Bond for me.  What will you wear, one of your dresses?'

Now this husband of mine has been dressed as various characters over the past eight months or so, including the Easter Bunny, Hugh Jackman, Guy Fawkes, a German bar tender and my own personal favourite, a rather naughty school boy .  And he honestly believes that I will be happy to work all week, and simply don a monochrome frock for the night?  He should really know better...

So the face-paint is ordered, and the wigs on standby, and I promise photos for next week.

Mind you, I've also ordered up some cans of spray paint for some Christmas flower displays I have planned, so I am hoping that I grab the right tin on Saturday, otherwise the husband and I will be going to the quiz looking like a couple of Oompa Loompas which won't fit the dress code at all.

Changing the subject as smoothly as Mr Johnson did when he ruined my planned trip to Leeds to see son number two, how are your Christmas plans going?  I'm in full Dried Fruit Mode, which is what the husband calls my frenzy of Christmas cake and pudding making round this time of the year.  I have fruit soaking in booze, puddings cooking in booze and cakes waiting for a weekly slurp of booze.  My kitchen resembles the equivalent of a dried fruit speakeasy, with half empty bottles of rum and brandy lolling between cake tins and grease-proof paper. I can almost image the dried cranberries screaming out for 'just the one, Mrs Wembley' as they sidle up against the sultanas in the cake tin.

I just love this time of the year....


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