A day in the life...

I'm in the middle of a much deserved day off and I have come to the conclusion (at the ripe old age of 57) that a wife's day off is vastly different to that of a husband's.

Now my husband is a hard working old thing, and over the years he has taken days off to 'go and do things'.  These have involved learning how to ride a motorbike on one wheel, butchery, taking his bike across muddy fields and doing something rather odd in the sea with a jetpack and a long hosepipe (now that was a day when I wished that I'd had a camera with me).  So as you can see, his days off are booked purely for something very specific.

So shall we look at my day off which is currently four hour's old? So far, I have managed a two hour walk with the woofs which was wonderful, but intermingled with that and writing this, I have also managed to vacuum the lounge, empty the dishwasher, do three loads of washing and manage to wrestle Percy to the ground on several occasions.  This last job is because my neighbour behind the fence is having two large trees brought down today and Percy is desperate to get at the poor tree feller fella's leg as it dangles just out of reach above the fence,  Goodness knows what Percy will do as he gets to the higher branches. I'm keeping an eye on next door's trampoline in case Percy decided to go for the 'bounce and chomp' approach to guarding.

So what I suppose I am saying, is that a wife's day off is filled with doing all the jobs she didn't do the day before.

I was also meant to be making green tomato chutney at some point today, but I have successfully managed to push that back to some other time as I don't have the correct ingredients.  Unfortunately, I do have enough green tomatoes, as these are littered across every south facing window sill in the house in a failed attempt to ripen them up a bit.   This unexpected free time will allow me wash the kitchen floor and perhaps get in the garden and see what hasn't been washed away by the Noahesque rain this weekend.

You see, there is always something to do even when in theory, there shouldn't be.

Oh to be a man...


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