The Jean Genie...

So that's it.  Summer has officially left the building.

I don't know about you, but for the most part, the weather has been the only thing which has kept me going since March.  Beautiful mornings, late sunsets and the chance to wear those shorts which languish at the back of the wardrobe for most of the year.

Shorts are a funny old thing though.  I have been wearing the same pair of denim cutoffs for the past four years, and it doesn't matter how tatty they get, they still make me smile if I get a day when they can be worn. 

But those days are now over, and last weekend, I spent a whole afternoon swapping over my summer and winter clothes.  At the time, this is always rather exciting, as you are looking at clothes which haven't seen the light of day for six months, and there is an element of novelty.  However, fast forward to tomorrow morning when I have to get dressed for Storm Aiden to go to Binland, I know that when I see all that black and navy in my wardrobe, my mood will drop faster than a whore's drawers...

Somewhere in the depths of time though, some fashionista has deemed it ok to add in orange in October (same colour as the pumpkins which are available around then) and red for December (same colour as Rudolph's nose - we should thank our lucky stars that Rudolph was used to lead the way with that glowing nose.  If not, I fear that black would have been on the menu) .

So this year, I am cocking a snoot at tradition, and I intend to go out shopping this weekend and buy some fairly warm but colourful clothing to keep my pecker up.  Pinks, oranges and purples might get a mention, along with the obligatory red (just for Christmas though).

Going back to the shorts though, I wore these on Saturday night when the husband and I went for 'one beer' (there is no such thing) with the Italians down the road.  As we were leaving, Mrs H said in a high pitched voice, 'You're wearing pink knickers!  I can see them through that hole in the back of your shorts!'

So it would appear that everything has a shelf life.

Even my shorts...


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