
It was a big day in my house today.  The 2020/21 winter season wellies have arrived.  

Every year, I buy a new pair of 'shortie' wellies which I wear every day to walk the furballs.  To date, I have had red, purple, royal blue and shocking pink, my current colour of choice.  Now I completely appreciate that most people will wear a set of wellies perhaps two or three times a year, so their shelf life is definitely much longer than mine, but my current rubber footwear is taking on water faster than the Titanic, and with a rather dubious puncture in the heel of the right one, there is an embarrassing noise every time I walk.  Try explaining that to my dog walking pals.  'That's my welly making that noise, not me'.  This is the cue for the 'That's right, blame the footwear' look and a subtle raising of the eyebrows.

So the new wellies arrived today.

When I was small, wellies came in just one colour.  Black.  Likewise, children's' glasses had one style (blue or pink) and as for a thick coat?  Well a duffel coat was all the choice we had.  If you go into an opticians now, you'll see row upon row of glasses for children in every style going.  Coats in every hue possible and wellies come with handles (don't worry, I've made a note of these for when I hit my dotage - I just hope that my feet have shrunk enough by then to fit into a child's size 1, which is the biggest one they do) and they are covered with pictures of everything from Peppa Pig to the Gruffalo, and the kids just love to wear them.  

I hated wearing mine as a kid for two reasons.  Firstly, they were always a pre-cursor to doing something which involved cold or damp which never excited me that much (still doesn't actually) and since the age of around eleven, I have had calves which wouldn't look amiss on Geoff Capes, so wellies tended to concertina halfway up my leg.  

So you can imagine my delight when I discovered the joy of the mid calf welly.  No more rubbing or lack of circulation, easy to put on and no need to ask the husband to try and get them off my leg at the end of the day.

So I suppose I am rediscovering the joy the children have these days with their wellies.  One of my lovely neighbours said to me the other day that she recognises me by my feet.

Well ladies, they are certainly going to see me coming in these beauties...


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