Feelin' good...

I've got into some really bad habits over the past six months...

When we plummeted into lockdown in March, all the wonderful things I loved to do were put on hold.  From walking the dogs and writing my blog to getting a haircut and just being anywhere but home.  As we have slowly been released into the wild, it's hit me that I still haven't reclaimed my life back fully from the dreaded virus, and today, I have decided that enough is enough.

So I am putting on some make up (this helps with the ravaged face which has not seen the inside of a beauty salon for almost seven months now), I am putting on some rather trendy clothes (if I hear a whiff of the word 'mutton' I shan't be wearing these trousers ever again) and I am off to my home town to meet up with The Mother and Mrs Jangles for a very heavily socially distanced coffee.  They won't mind this too much as they have hearing aids to cope with long distance conversation, but I may have to start carrying round an ear trumpet for such occasions. What with that and the dreaded face mask, I'm not too sure why I'm worrying about my new trousers.  By the time anyone scrutinized that far down, they would already have an opinion on me which would explain away any kind of weird clothing choice.

But I have missed writing, and the connections it brings me.  You and I have never met (few family exceptions here who are still reading my blatherings) but the blog offers the gift of reaching out to you and others who might be needing a kind (and sometimes funny word), much in the same way that I need to.

But back to life.  The husband is missing today as he is finally cashing in on the Christmas present I bought him last year.  A day of learning how to ride a motorbike using just one wheel.  Now forgive me, but I can't see any time when this will be useful when cruising round the lanes of the Home Counties.  It's almost like going for lessons on how to put an Aran sweater on a penguin.  Completely pointless.  But at least it keeps him from under my feet for the day  which means I can do the housework.  See what I mean about life getting back to normal?  Why can't dust go on lockdown?  Now that would be beneficial.

The big news in our house is that having decided that travelling our beautiful country in an oversized sardine tin is what we will be doing for the rest of our days, we have ordered up a new caravan.  This means saying goodbye to Charlie, and I really hope that whoever is lucky enough to get him falls in love with him as we did.  The new caravan is like swapping Dot Cotton for Bonnie Langford.  All singing and all dancing, but just a bit irritating if you are too close.  It's also a foot wider than our old caravan, so there will be  lot of virtual breathing in as we wind our way down to North Devon each year.

We won't get this till Christmas time, so I am having to be very patient.  Not my strongest point I must confess!

So I'm back.  And in the words of the wonderful Nina Simone,

I'm feelin' good...




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