Sweets for my sweet...

I've been rumbled...

Since I started eating more healthily and avoiding all the food stuffs which give me migraines, I have become very limited on the treat front.  It's a well known fact that nearly all women have a sweet tooth - usually one that's been filled twice, had a root canal and then extracted, but a sweet tooth nonetheless.  Months of trials over various types of confectionery have revealed that one of the few things I can treat myself to are Squashies. 

If you haven't tried these (you don't know what you're missing ladies) these are tiny pillows of raspberry and apple squashy stuff - hence the name I suppose.  When CV hit this green and pleasant land, I had one bag on the go, and another on back-up, but as the days have passed, and the need for Distraction by Sugar has became more desperate, I have been munching away on them and the second bag was empty by the end of the first week.  I should point out that Distraction by Sugar is allowed at any time of the day, whereas Distraction by Alcohol is limited to after 5.00pm which is far too limiting in my opinion.

So I did what any Squashie addict would do, and I hit the internet.

A large box arrived today.  The husband, who up till now has been squirrelled away in various parts of the house working through his imaginary list of things to do, got to the door first.

'What have you bought now?' he said in the well known manner of the weary husband. 'Anything for me?'

I had the decency to look embarrassed for about five seconds, before the excitement about what was inside the box took over.  I ripped the tape off and turned the box upside down, revealing two large wholesale buckets of Squashies.  The husband shook his head and started unwrapping his parcel which was in the same delivery.

A shower caddy for the new bathroom.  Now normally, this wouldn't get any reaction from the husband, but his face lit up like Oxford Street at Christmas.  'Well I've never seen that before', he said.  'They've only sent me a screwdriver to put it together as well'.

Exciting? Yes, I'll give him that. 

But nowhere near as exciting as my 780 Squashies...


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