Run, rabbit run...

The husband is currently up the ladder, perched delicately on the roof while he changes three broken tiles.  You can tell that the List of Things To Do is getting shorter as he is now resorting to jobs which will make no difference whether they are done or not.  This is the equivalent of me looking for stuff to iron on the odd occasion when I am thoroughly enjoying doing my weekly clothes flattening.  We have been without those tiles for more than ten years now, but who am I to stop a man on a mission.

In these most unusual of times, I have taken to writing to my children, and I have had lovely replies coming back from them.  Each of them have said that they had never received a handwritten letter before which is a dreadful sign of the times really.  If I take one lesson from this life experience, it will be that I write to those I love regularly.  

On Easter Saturday, the husband and I took part in our third 'pub quiz', which is run by Jolly Sock Man's parents.  This has been an unmitigated success for the first two weeks and we have had a podium finish each week.  Last Saturday, while celebrating our third place, having imbibed well over half a gallon of gin between us, I suggested that we dress up for the quiz as it was Easter.  What fun! Still in my cups at 11pm on the Saturday night, I set to finding suitable costumes, and ordered up a costume for the husband, and one for me.  

When they arrived last Tuesday, the husband was thrilled with his, although concerned how he was going to have a drink.  My costume was inflatable.  'How I am going to blow it up?' I asked the husband as I pulled it out of the box.

'I've got a compressor in the garage', he said.  Immediately, I had visions of some serious over inflation and of me being shot down over Oxford having been confused with an enemy aircraft.  This was sent back and a more sensible costume involving a beak and a pair of scratchy feet arrived later in the week.

So on quiz night, we kept our video off until we were in position on the sofa.

'Hit it!' said the husband, and I revealed ourselves in full Easter glory to the unsuspecting friends of daughter number two's probably future in-laws.  

We had a great evening, with a lot of banter about the costumes, and the husband impressed everyone by remaining fully clothed throughout.  As you can see from the picture, no small feat on the hottest day of the year so far and it was a hot cross bunny who wound his weary way to bed that night.

Talking of the demon drink, I was speaking to the Mother over the weekend, who almost always seems to have a glass of red in her hand, irrespective of what time I video call her.  We were discussing the people who are being furloughed at the moment, and she piped up...

'I've been more Merlot'd I think'...


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