Don't stand so close to me...

Let's get the serious stuff out the way first, shall we.  I hope that you all all keeping well, and managing to get by with the restrictions we now find surrounding our busy lives.  Life is rather bizarre at the moment, but if we can all pull together and do as we are told then hopefully, there will be a chink of light at the end of this long, worrying tunnel.

House arrest is proving to be useful though.  Never has my ironing basket been so empty or my floors so shiny. I've been cooking again and have even managed a potter in the garden.  It doesn't feel very real to be honest.  I know that there are many of you who will be on the front line, and will know exactly how dire things are, but I haven't been into the town for over two weeks so I haven't seen the dreaded food queues and panic buying which seems to be going on.

Panic buying is a dodgy old subject.  I'd be terrified that I would get distracted and come home laden with unsuitable items.  Of course, it all depends where you shop though.  Go to Tesco, and you could see me stagger out of the store carrying two carrier bags full of Frizz Ease products, go to Aldi, and it could be spanners and battery chargers.  But help has been at hand with the husband.  Or, as he is now know, The Provider.

Now he is home having shut down his building site, he is desperate for Something To Do.  The problem is that he doesn't seem too keen on the list of jobs I have drawn up for him.  I did say to him yesterday that he's always said that he 'doesn't have the time'.  Well lo and behold my love, time is in abundance right now, but he's still shuffling around my list and pretending he can't see it, preferring instead to get up with the lark and head off into town with his carrier back and a shopping list.  He's very good at it I must say, and so far, we have been doing really well.  Every need is catered for and I have nothing but admiration for him for standing in long queues on a Thursday morning so that he can get me the oranges I like off the market.

One of the things I am loving about this whole sorry event, is that all urgency and stress seems to have disappeared from my day.  No more am I berating myself for not seeing someone, or making an appointment for something or other.The days just seem to drift by.  I'll be honest with you, I even have to think really hard to work out what day of the week it is, such is my laid back approach to my days.

As hard as it all is right now, in years to come, when the husband and I are in our dotage, we will look back at this time and I can almost hear the husband saying how much he loved being with me twenty four hours a day and never leaving my side unless it was for food.  I might have a different recollection of this time and say to my future grandchildren, 

'Oh yes, that was the time I considered burying Grandpa under the patio...'


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