
You probably all know me well enough by now to know that I am rather fond of a musical.  Over the past few years,I have made several unsuspecting friends sit through Evita, Oklahoma, Carousel, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Blood Brothers etc etc.

One of my favourite musicals of all time has to be Cabaret, and I was thrilled skinny to see that a touring version was showing at my local theatre. My first victim, sorry friend, who I considered as company for this school night play date was the lovely Mrs S from Binland.  Like me, she loves a bit of a singsong and the two of us arranged to meet up in town for some pre-theatre Primark trawling which as you know is part of the whole experience and therefore allowed.

We had great seats, although the many carrier bags had us sitting like a couple of decrepit budgies on a perch and I was relieved, if not a little surprised, when no one sat in our row at all.  So suitably sprawled out, with our purchases lining the empty seats, we settled back to enjoy a couple of hours of pre-war Germanic naughtiness.

Have you seen the film?  I've seen it so many times I'm almost word perfect, and I was really excited for Mrs S who was seeing it for the first time.

Now two things happened in the first five minutes which were cause for concern.  Firstly, there were male dancers on stage.  Now I am all for a bit of sexual equality, but I am sure that the 1930's Kit Kat Club wouldn't have had chaps on stage to draw the punters in.  But I let that go...  

Secondly, there was nudity of the full frontal male kind.  Mrs S and I were in the posh seats in the circle and I felt very sorry for anyone in the front row as the unveiling occurred.  The way he was swinging that round he could have had someone's eye out, and I'm just glad that the darkness spared my blushes.

So the show was very poor.  Lukewarm, slow, and boring instead of being exciting and fiery and there were songs in the show which I'd never heard.  The most memorable was one about a pineapple, and as the singer droned on and on, I just wanted to shout out, 'Sing a bit of Mein Herr! or Fatherland for heaven's sake'.

I have decided that there is nothing better than a young male thespian in the buff to distract you from how bad a play is.

Worked for me...


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