All the plans we made...

Well what a surprise I've had today.

'What are you doing tomorrow?' was the question on the husband's lips last night.  'Well', I said, 'apart from talking rubbish to customers throughout the Home Counties, a big walk in the woods with Mrs P and Neville, and a quick cup of tea with Mrs B next door, not much really'.

'Cancel the walk and the tea.  We've got plans'.

'What plans?  And anyway, I can't cancel this time with my friends.  Mrs P has been on the calendar all week and Mrs B has bought a kettle so that she can make me a cup of tea at last'.

OK ladies, at this point I was fully committed to my time with friends, as these girls are very important to me and it's bad form to cancel your buddies as we all know.  But the husband persisted.

'They won't mind.  You can do it all again next week'.

To avoid repeating myself (both to the husband and to you, lovely readers) I asked what was possibly more important than meeting up with these two special ladies.

He played his trump card.  'I want to take you back to that shop to try that beautiful dress on. The one for the wedding'. 

I'd like to say that I stuck to my original plans, but to be honest, the texts to my friends had both been sent within thirty seconds of his sentence. (Sorry girls, but a frock is a frock).

And so we went to London this afternoon.  The dress was far too small, (naturally - there is no one living in London larger than a size 10 as we all know) but the lovely owner is going to make me a dress which will be made to fit. Just as well, as the one I tried on had a ten inch gap across the back where the zip wouldn't meet, and I was clutching the top to my unleavened pitta bread of a chest to preserve my modesty.  I should also tell you that there was an expanse of pink knicker revealed towards the bottom of the non-meeting zip.

Not really the look you are going for when you stand before Elvis at the altar with the man of your dreams....


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