Still raining, still dreaming...

I just spent an interesting hour going through my stash of summer clothes in readiness for a girly trip away with the female contingency of my family.  This doesn't include daughters one or two, as the cut off point for this trip is thatyou can't be younger than my cousin Mrs B.  We are taking our mothers away for a bit of R&R (Rosado and Rioja) and the hotel we have booked is not famous for catering for anyone who might have all their own teeth and no facial hair.  So it's just us oldies going.

But back to the clothes.  There is nothing worse than trying on summer clothes in the depths of winter.  A time when legs are left unshaven (no one's going to see them anyway) and which are a lovely shade of French Navy having been deprived of sunlight for the past four months.  We are all a little overweight (who am I kidding, I have still to shift the Christmas overhang) and squeezing into bikinis and shorts is just asking too much for a cold Tuesday afternoon.  (Especially when you've left your socks on - never a good look).

But I persevered, stacking my summer wardrobe into three piles:

1.  Definitely going
2.  Might go if I can shift that half stone
3.  Never going anywhere ever again

I think we can all guess which pile was the tallest, and needless to say, I will probably be able to fit all of my holiday wardrobe into a Bag for Life.  You'll remember that I made a New Year's resolution not to buy any shoes or clothes for a whole year, so I can't even scuttle into Primark for back up.  Just as well we are only going for four days.

Feeling quite chuffed that I'd done a job I had been dreading since the middle of December, I thought I'd check the weather for the Costa del Sol and see whether sun cream would be necessary.

Unfortunately, it looks like we are going to be wading through soggy puddles rather than icing sugar sand, and I'm not sure which of my emotions won the day.

The one which was disappointed that I wasn't going to be coming home with a hint of a tan, having had a beautiful sun warming my old bones every day.

Or the other one.

The one which had got the bunting out as it meant that the bikini could stay in the case...


Unknown said…
If you haven’t used it in 2 years then you don’t need it,if in doubt sling it out!

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