Welcome home...

Thank goodness it's Monday.  I can sit quietly at my desk with a lovely cup of tea talking rubbish (literally) with the good folk of the Home Counties while I desperately try to remember what the hell happened over the weekend.

It all kicked off on Friday afternoon with an invite to a neighbour's for mulled wine and mince pies.  This started at 4.00, and if I had been sensible like all the other ladies, I would have headed back home around 6.00.  But instead, like a complete numpty, I carried on knocking back the mulled wine for another three hours, and it was a very wobbly Bird who sheepishly walked through the front door on Friday night to be met with a most disapproving look from the husband.

Of course I had a hangover on Saturday morning.  It goes without saying that I was still in bed at 8.30 sporting a headache which rendered me useless for most of the day and drew even more disapproving looks from the saintly husband.  This was not good news as we had to catch a train at 5.00pm to go into Oxford for the annual food and drink fiesta which is the Binland Christmas Party.

There were twenty of us, and we started at a pub, moved onto another pub, ate dinner, then went to a pub, then back to the first pub where there was now dancing.  We were all drinking, and the husband had said to me several times during Saturday that he wouldn't be dancing because of his dodgy ankle.  Half an hour into the pub with dancing, he was on the floor, tapping everyone with a pair of drumsticks (he stole the chopsticks from the restaurant) with gusto. Guinness has a strange effect on him, and he was like a cross between James Brown and Cozy Powell.

He had the hangover from hell on Sunday morning, and although I was a little scruffy around the edges, I still managed to wrap all the Christmas presents and do the ironing. He surfaced quite late and took the woofers out for a walk to try and alleviate the headache.

Coming back into the kitchen, he looked perturbed.

'Everything all right?' I asked him.

'How did we get home last night?' he asked.

Good question...


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