Be careful what you wish for...

I'm going all deep and meaningful on you this morning.  This is a tiny blip and normal fluffy nonsense will be resumed tomorrow, but for now, well here goes..

When I walk the woofers in the morning, I am generally singing whichever song happened to chance upon my ears before leaving the house. Yesterday, it was 'Just Another Day' by the Beatles.  As I was trilling along to myself, it suddenly dawned on me how awful it is to label a new twenty four hours as 'just another day'.  No day should be classed as that, as it assumes that no new friends will be made, no exciting things will be learned and nothing will surprise you.  Surely every day has the right to be a blank page rather than something which has been scribbled all over and used as a bookmark?

Going on from these rather deep thoughts for a Monday morning, a similar topic was raised in Binland.  I'd been in the Transport Office looking for a lamp (yes, I'm still in the dark at work) and Mr W quipped, 'You just want to give it rub so that you can summon up the genie'. And then the question was asked as to what you would wish for if you were allowed just one wish.  I hurriedly disallowed the wish of a million wishes before anyone bagsied that, and waited for the answers to pour in.

Well it wasn't so much a pouring as a trickle, and a very slow one at that.  Mrs S, after some thought, decided that her wish would be that she and her lovely family could live forever.  But does that mean that you stay as you are now, which would mean that her daughter would never know the joys of being a mother, or do you all get really old together?  I have to say, the thought of sitting with a myriad of wrinklies ad infinitum would not be my idea of fun.

Mr W decided that he'd probably go for the disappearance of a health issue (I get that one completely) and then money came into the conversation.  But having more money than you'll ever need means no dreams, no aspirations, no purpose to your life.  If you found yourself with all the money you could want and more, then every day would be 'Just Another Day'.

They then turned the question on me.  I had no answer straight away, but having thought about it all day yesterday, I decided that if I had just one wish, it would be that every morning I could wake up and embrace whatever the new day had in store for me.  Whether that be daft, sad, interesting, new, happy, crazy or just plain boring.

That's quite possible I reckon...


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