Coming home...

Normality has returned to my immediate vicinity.  After some persuasion ('Come home with me, or I'll never speak to you again!') daughter number two finally caved on the common sense front and agreed to continue her convalescence with me at home.  This was good for several reasons.  

Firstly, it meant that I didn't have to sleep on that blessed camp bed for another night.  Now I have been camping many times, and I've even used this camp bed in various tents across the UK.  However, being camped in someone else's lounge, sandwiched between the TV cabinet, a stack of tacky magazines and a two seater sofa is not ideal, especially when the only feasible position meant that your face was level with a whole load of chocolate left over from Easter.  I reckon it was the smell of Lindt wafting across my face which kept me awake, so I was very glad to be back into my own bed last night.

And then there's the cooking.  I made the malingerer and her flat mate a lovely shepherd's pie on Wednesday if you remember.  Now not only did I have to go and buy the ingredients (completely expected) but I also had to buy the dish to put it in.  So all in all, a very expensive shepherd's pie.  

And of course, there's the space.  Daughter number two lives in a flat which could just about house two size 7 knee high boots from Clark's.  Her bathroom is so small that she can s**t, shave and shower without stepping off the mat, so adding my meagre toiletries to the forty seven bottles of shampoo, conditioner, fake tan and moisturizer (I counted) didn't help with my OCD which has been in free fall since Tuesday.

My house, although not a palace, definitely has more room, so daughter number two and I have stopped sidestepping past each other in every doorway. Her bedroom here is neat and minimal, as befitting a reinvented 'guest room' with a basket of toiletries in the bathroom for those 'don't forget your toothbrush' moments.  It's a place of tranquility and peace (unless you include the dive bombing furballs at 3.00am) and I'm sure that it will help her recover more quickly.

Speaking of which, the other good thing about having her here, is that I can hardly hear her shouting from upstairs.

Every cloud, and all that....


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