Watch 'n' learn...

It was back to school for the Bird yesterday.  A three hour training session at Binland, telling us all about the new computer system which will be heading our way soon. Now, I don't know about you, but as I get older, I seem to become more and more a creature of habit, comfortable in the things I know and wary of those I don't.  

I am very au fait with our current system.  It has taken me almost three years to get there, but get there I have, but now there's a new kid on the block.  A kid with a strange name (no idea how that was thought up) who for the next three years will probably make my life rather tricky.  I have a saying at home, which I use when the kids start saying things like, 'Didn't you know your phone could do that?'  It goes something along the lines of 'knowing what I need to know', my theory being that if I don't need it, then I don't want to learn about it.  

The husband and I stopped at videos for quite some time, being terrified of DVD's and Blu-ray, but after a re-grouping of several years, finally took a deep breath and launched ourselves into Netflix.  I would imagine that this is as far as we'll venture in the world of home cinema.  We did have a brief foray into surround sound some years ago, oh and 3D television, both of which were consigned to the garage on the grounds of safety (I kept tripping over the speaker wires) and vanity (looking like Joe 90 every night was not one of my finer moments).

So I suppose you could call the husband and me a pair of Luddites, stuck somewhere between VHS and a virtual box set.  It's the same with phones, although I am marginally better than the husband on that front.  You know when they say that 'a little knowledge is dangerous'?  Well the husband has discovered the emoji on our group family chat, and he takes great pleasure in using wildly inappropriate ones when we are chatting to the children.  It's only a matter of time before the kids take his phone off him...

So I'm going to be brave and take the new system on.  Actually, I'm pretty good at taking instruction (from anyone other than the husband) so should be up and running soon.  

Talking of instructions, I was at Pilates on Tuesday night doing my thing as usual.

Have you ever had a large wasp land in your hair when you are in a table top position with your left arm and right leg up in the air?

I have...


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