Free wheelin...

It would appear that contrary to all I have believed in up till now, I am in fact able to drink from a pint glass without my world caving in.  I have now demonstrated this on several occasions in the last 24 hours, but still find myself unconverted with regard to a pint glass.  My excuse for preferring a smaller glass is the fact that my cider went warm in the pint glass.  At least, that's the reason I am sticking to.  It has nothing to do with my desperate need to be thought of us a 'lady'.....

So let's talk about yesterday shall we.  This was a day with some serious laughter in it.  We started off Desperately Seeking Breakfast, taking about two hours before we found the right place.  We hit The Cosy Teapot in Budleigh Salterton in a big way, with two birds, two dogs and our chauffeur eating them out of house and home.  We managed three meals in one sitting, with the husband having a full English fry-up, Miss R had a sensible crab sandwich, and I settled for two toasted tea cakes. 

It was then back to the sheds, where the husband decided that he was going into the sea for a swim.  He quietly revealed to me that under his swim shorts he was wearing diving shorts, thus ensuring, and I quote, that 'he didn't feel the cold'.  Now correct me if I am wrong, but I think the husband was not so much concerned about the cold, but more about the effect of the cold, and what it can do to your extremities.  He can't fool me...

Miss R, ever up for a challenge, soon joined in, throwing caution to the wind, and going in fully clothed.  She told me that she had forgotten her swimsuit, but like the husband, I think she wanted to stay warm in the sea, hence the t-shirt and shorts.  She was wiped out spectacularly, fortunately, I had my camera running at just the right point, managing to film the whole hilarious experience.  I'm sure that many of you have watched this on our facebook page again and again.  I know I have.

We ended back at the pub yesterday evening, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the competitors of Branscombe's newly revived pram race.  Well, they were a lot later than we thought, so more cider was drunk, accompanied by some fish and chips.  Now the problem was that we had ridden to the pub on our bikes, having intended to leave while it was still light.  Unfortunately, by the time we left the pub, night had well and truly fallen, and it was with some trepidation that we got on our bikes.  The husband had drawn the short straw, and was also towing the dogs in their wagon...but at least he had lights....unlike me.

Miss R and the husband thought it was a good idea to put me in the middle, as they both had lights on their bikes.  Riding through the woods in semi darkness with no lights and two and half pints of cider swilling from side to side is not the best idea in the world, also my brakes weren't brilliant.  The fact that we made it home in one piece will never cease to amaze me, and I got off mine as we reached the path to the sheds. 

Two wheels and shag-pile gravel are never a good combination, even when you're sober...


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