Slow me down...

It seems a lifetime since we were here last.  I'd love to tell you that I've been ensconced on some far flung tropical isle without WiFi, or taking part in the latest commercial venture to the moon, but these would be lies of whopping proportions.  Truth of the matter is that on Sunday, I fell headlong into one of the worst migraines I've ever had.  A couple of days in bed, shielding any gap in the curtains with a vampire-type 'The light!  The light!' wail, I finally succumbed to an hour's wait in the doctor's surgery for some suggestions.

We covered the usual stuff...

'Not eaten it since 2015'

'One glass in the past two years'.

'Don't like the stuff'.

And then....


What?  My favourite fruit?   The one which I reach for at least three times a day?  

So I am now officially orange-grounded, and my life will be the poorer for it.  Mind you, I suppose it could have been worse, as he could have said, 'English Breakfast Tea?' which could easily have led me me being incarcerated for murder of a professional.

So I am now on a new medication.  This has had interesting effects to say the least. Taking it just before bed as instructed, I have been drifting off to sleep with the heart rate of Tigger.  Getting up in the morning (headache free I'm pleased to say), I have been relatively normal (stop laughing) till about 11.00am, when my body has taken on the feeling of something using own brand AAA batteries.  And then snoozles on the sofa from 7.00pm till crawling up to bed at 9.00pm where Tigger kicks in again.  

The doctor has told me that after a week I am to introduce a second tablet in the morning.

Should be interesting...


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