
I'd like to talk about something which the husband said over Christmas..

One of my presents from the husband was a week away in our Wobble Box to Scotland, a country I have always wanted to visit.  To date, the nearest I have got is Hadrian's Wall, so this trip is long overdue.

The husband felt that this was a huge sacrifice on his part as he claims to 'dislike Scotland and all Scottish people'.  By now, I hope that you all know the husband well enough to realise that this is never said in malice, and on Christmas Day, a day of peace and goodwill to all men, I asked him why he didn't like this most Northern outpost of our United Kingdom.  As you can imagine, he had  no reason at all, but I wasn't prepared to let this go.  

'Have you ever been to Scotland?'  I asked him. 


Well how far north have you actually been then?'

'Well I've been to Leeds'.

After some googling, I ascertained that the nearest he'd got to crossing the border was 163 miles away.  'So you claim to hate a country almost two hours drive away which you've never been to'.  I said.  He actually agreed with me that this was probably a tad unreasonable, but it didn't stop here.

'And you say you don't like Scottish people.  How many do you actually know then?'

After some thought, he came up with the name of a friend of ours.  Admittedly, he's Scottish, owns a kilt and has a name prefixed with Mac.....However, he moved away when he was two years old and has lived in the Home Counties since then.  And the husband actually likes this chap, so that argument fell down also.

Eventually, I managed to weasel out of him that the real reason he doesn't like Scotland and the Scottish folk is that he has to listen to their football results every Saturday. Oh, and The Krankies also came up as a valid argument.

'So you are basing your opinion on the Scottish Premiership and a woman who dressed up as a schoolboy and pretended that her husband was her dad?' I said.  A small note at this point.  The Krankies could have made a killing on the Jeremy Kyle Show...

I then reeled off names of the many Scottish people I know and love which shut him up fair and squarely.  Actually, he knows some of these people also, but had 'never realised that they were Scottish'.

Between you and me, a couple of them aren't, but if the name fits...


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