Let there be more light....

For the last couple of weeks, I have been doing some extra hours at Binland, and have been turning up at odd times throughout the day.  My colleagues, who are used to waving me 'Adieu' around 1.00, are completely bemused at seeing me there in the afternoon, and not a day goes by when one of them doesn't react with a, 'What are you doing here?  Stop messing with my head', or something similar.  
Arriving back at work yesterday afternoon, I headed for the kitchen to make a cup of tea for myself and Master P.  I'd brought in a box of French Fancies to share with him, and thought that a cup of tea would accompany this culinary perfection quite nicely.

Imagine my surprise to be faced with 6'4" of blonde beefcake tinkering with the fridge.  After a few draught-like manoeuvres as I tried to get the milk ('your move'....'my move'..) I had a thought.

'Are you an electrician?' I asked.  This was probably a daft question bearing in mind he had the fridge socket in pieces and was wearing rubber soled boots, but you know what they say about assuming.

Having confirmed that he was, I asked him whether he'd come and check my light bulb once he'd finished with the fridge.  This has been going on and off like a lighthouse for the past six weeks, and I'm not saying that my corner of the sales office is dark, but I'm thinking of learning Braille.

He appeared in my office ten minutes later armed with a veritable smorgasbord of stuff, and asked Master P and me to step outside of the office in case there was a big bang.  The two of us shuffled down to the Depot, and the various females in there were all agog at the sight of the electrician with the screwdriver.  Jokingly, and I can say this as I am in my sixth decade, I said, 'Be still my beating heart.  He's lovely and I'm going to offer him one of my French Fancies if he gets my light working again'.

'Why has he kicked you out?' asked Mrs S.  'In case he gets an electric shock I suppose', I replied.  'What if we had to resuscitate him....' Well it all went quiet for a second as each of us pondered whether our First Aid certificates were still valid.

'I'd resuscitate him', I said.  'Imagine that, the kiss of life and a French Fancy...it doesn't get much better than that on a Monday'.

I think you'd all agree....


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