Ask me what you want...

Yesterday was a funny one at Binland.  As you all know by now, I 'look after' two lads young enough to be my offspring on a daily basis.  I should quantify 'looking after' actually.  It's not really from a work point of view as the two of them are perfectly capable of doing their job, it's more a pastoral kind of care.  Questions launched at me across the desks over the last few years have included:

How do you go about getting a mortgage?
(Don't do'll never get out of it alive)

How do you spell Siobhan?
(We've all asked this question at some point in our lives)

Are you sure that's how Siobhan in pronounced?
(See above)

Who's Zippy?
(Opportunity for Mr W in Transport to show Master P X-rated version of Rainbow featuring George and his twanger)

Who's Stormzy?
(This also from Master P who is a staunch Smooth FM listener, and whose musical tastes came to an emergency halt somewhere around Whitney Houston.  I blame his mother for this)

Who's Whitney Houston?
(This from Master J who will only listen to the Arctic Monkeys or bands with names which have four words, none of which make any sense when applied to the one sentence - Autopsy of Drowned Shrimp for example)

Yesterday, the pair of them were like a pair of giddy squirrels.  Master J because he's getting married in a couple of weeks, and it's probably just dawned on him, and Master P....well, he's like that every day.  Having played ten minutes of Twenty Questions with the two of them about Michael Jackson (they didn't know that there was a cartoon in the 70's about the Jackson 5), I was quite glad to get out with the two woofers for a walk yesterday afternoon.

Deciding that I could do without people as my ears needed a rest, I chose a quieter route around the lanes where I live. Having had a run in with two bolshy cyclists who decided that getting up close and personal to me and the boys was preferable to cycling through a shallow puddle (haven't they got jobs?  It was four in the afternoon for heaven's sake), I took a deep breath and began the walk back to the car.  Just as I turned the last corner, a jogger of the male variety sprung out of a footpath next to me.  Without breaking stride, he nodded at me and said....wait for it...

'Lovely pair of schnauzers you got there'.

Well ladies, most days it crosses my mind that they don't quite have them all locked up safely as yet.

Yesterday was no different...


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