Fox on the run...

After my hedonistic weekend, I was glad to be back within the relative peace of Binland yesterday morning.  I work with a lovely crew of people, and it's never a chore coming in on a Monday.  Mind you, if I keep winning the money when we weigh in each Monday, I have a feeling that their friendliness towards me might wain.  I won again this week - another £6 in the kitty of life thanks to a 2lbs weight loss.  As we tell our children, 'Slow and steady wins the race'.  It may well do, but I'd much prefer to have a racing rabbit of a weight loss.  Imagine going to sleep and waking up the next morning with your pyjamas hanging off you.  Sheer bliss, but I'm trying to be sensible and look at my diet like War and Peace rather than a well thumbed copy of Hello magazine.

Moving on, I may upset a few of you with what I'm about to say, but sometimes, thing just have be said.  Going for my usual morning walk with the woofers around a field which we are allowed to use courtesy of a neighbour, I was surprised to see hoof marks everywhere.  Further investigation found that the fence separating our field from the farm next door had been cut, and the fence post dragged down.  I can only assume that the hunt (for that is who was responsible) was chasing a fox.  I can't believe that they'd go to that much trouble for a dragged trail.  I suppose it upset me because I cannot see the point of killing a beautiful creature just for the fun of it.  Not only that, but my two ate the remains of whatever had been left behind, the result of which greeted me when I got home after lunch.  I just wish that I'd been walking round that field when they came through.  My tongue would definitely have been let off its lead...  

Not wanting to go back to the field after work, I took my two off to The Clumps (a real place, I promise you) for a long walk in the woods.  I'm not saying it was muddy, but I was three inches taller when I got back to the car, and with the two dogs on the lead for the last half mile, I did a passable Jayne Torvill impersonation while they looked like they were wearing tweed trousers.

That cheered me up - who doesn't love a dog in trousers...


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