
The husband is starting to eye me up very warily.  And why is this?  Well, in the absence of a working beard trimmer to rectify the appalling DIY haircut he performed on Friday, I only did what every woman would do, and offered him the use of my Philips Ladyshave.  Now I'm not saying this is past it's sell by date, but on the occasions when kickstarting it fails, I have to wind the rubber band around for about ten minutes to get enough oomph in it to tear through the forest on my legs.
Needless to say, he wasn't impressed.  I then suggested I manually trim his man bun with a pair of nail scissors which also went down like a lead balloon. I think this is partly my fault as my eyesight isn't all it was, and even with the reading glasses, it may be that he loses an eyebrow instead. 

I have one more suggestion, and that is that he goes back to the barber, cap in hand, and asks him to mend that which is broken.  I may go with him on that occasion to reinforce what the barber says, which will be something like, 'What were you thinking of?' or 'We call this a 'Blitz Cut' sir, as it's an 'Air Raid'....

Apologies for the poor taste barber joke, but it just seemed right to use it today.  So he's going back to the barber on Friday, where a quick sweep with a number two will remove the tuft.  This equates to thirty seconds of toil for the generous sum of £10.

Talking of hairdressers and the like, I decided that now most of my money is supporting an alcoholic in Leeds (son number two, you better make this count) changes had to be made with how I spent my money.  I've already made an excellent start by swapping from Sainsburys to Aldi for my weekly shop, but next on the list was the hairdresser.  

Like most ladies of my age, serious work needs to bt undertaken every few months to ensure that I don't resemble one of the extras on The Walking Dead, so having found a small local salon, I went in last Friday to have my roots done, followed by a cut and blow dry.  The lady who did it made a beautiful job of my hair, and the bill?  £57 less that I would have paid.  So what was missing?  Well, I'll tell you what...

Firstly there was no massage chair when they washed my hair.  I have no problem with this as I often fall asleep if I'm sitting in one, which means vigorous shaking from the shampooist when she's finished.

There was no frothy cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles on top.  Well I'm a tea drinker anyway, so the mug of PG which I was given was great.  No biscuit, or individually wrapped macaroon, but as I'm on a bit of a diet, that's ok too.

The cheaper salon had good old Radio 2 on.  This meant I knew all the songs and understood everything which was said.  My old salon liked to put music on which no one had ever heard before, and my stylist took great delight in saying, 'Surely you know who this is?' when asked politely who the singer was.  

I also used to feel quite inadequate and old when I went in, because all of the stylists (or technicians, as they like to be called) looked like they were about fifteen and just stepped out of Vogue magazine.  My new hairdresser was uber normal - jeans and boots, just like me.

I'm not sure what's next on my money saving exercise.  Perhaps the dentist?  The husband is particularly good with wood, so could fashion me some new teeth as and when needed.

And who doesn't love a man who can whittle...


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