Early morning...

Having packed, removed various items and repacked my suitcase, I was finally ready to crawl into bed on Friday evening at 9.00, knowing full well that the alarm would be going off four hours later. The husband is notorious in his 'getting to the airport on time' procedure, and the estimated time of departure was 1.30am, allowing us one and a half hours to get to the airport (assuming at least one accident to hamper our journey).  This would mean arriving three and a half hours before our flight left.  See what I mean?

Hauling my sorry carcass up the stairs, I went into the bedroom, sleepy eyed, and ready for a full four hours of snooze time.

'Oh no you don't', said the husband with a waggy finger.  'I haven't packed yet'.

This was apparent as there were piles of clothes and shoes scattered across the bed (and not just on his side either) and coupled with a nosy schnauzer there wasn't much room for me. Reluctantly, I headed back downstairs, and made myself comfortable on the sofa with a cup of tea.  Ten minutes later, the husband was shouting down the stairs that it was 'safe to come to bed now'.  The trouble was that I was now pretty awake.  Nevertheless, I managed to drop off for about seven minutes before he came back into the bedroom, turning the light on and muttering something about European plugs (you'll remember that I'd hidden them all).  Switching the light back off, he got into bed, and immediately fell into a deep, loud sleep.  I also fell asleep...

Waking up some time later, I reckoned that it must be nearly time for the alarm to go off, so I tiptoed out of the bedroom (see how thoughtful I am) and went downstairs to the kitchen.  Glancing at the clock, I was horrified.

It was five past 11.00.  There was no way I was going to get back to sleep, so I installed myself on the sofa yet again, this time with a large mug of tea, and waited for the hours to drag by. 

The journey here all went completely to plan, except for the two small children who insisted on kicking my chair for two and a half hours, but not to worry. Four Sangrias, a blue sky and a soft sea breeze ensured that sleep was had, even if it was interrupted by frequent trips to the loo, courtesy of the aforementioned Sangria.

But the hotel is beautiful, I have my family around me, and the sun is shining.

What more could this old bird want...


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