Excellent adventure...

It was a quiet one last night.  Well for me at least, as the husband has stopped doing his St Vitus' dance around the bedroom in the early hours.  He said he heard something, which I find hard to believe.  If it was distinguishable over my snoring, then we have a bigger problem than we originally thought.  Perhaps the Ratman will need to go up with a wooden chair and a whip rather than the poison...

I needed a good night's sleep on Sunday, as it was back to school for me on Monday.  As a woman of indeterminate years, you sometimes forget what it's like to learn something totally new.  Thus is was for me with Microsoft Excel yesterday.  As usual, I was the oldest one there (by some way) and I was concerned that my raddled old brain wouldn't be able to keep up with the youngsters (all in their thirties) in the room.

It reminded me of when I took my first motorbike test at the ripe old age of thirty eight.  When I turned up, the examiner did a double take and asked me if I was there to collect my son.  Very funny, but at least I passed first time unlike the much younger boys I was presumed to be collecting...

So back to the Excel. Now I thought that this would be very tedious, but the chap running the course made it very interesting, and as the day wore on, I realised that me and maths were getting on rather well.  It wasn't me that asked the daft questions, or who needed help in the trickier bits, and when I thanked him at the end of the day for all the information I had stored up in my little brain, he was pleasantly surprised. 

I got the feeling that a few of my Excel comrades were there under duress, rather than through choice.  But by the time I left, I could add things up using formulae, draw charts, make things change colours and do all manner of stuff that I'll probably never have to use again, but it was interesting, and proved that there's still life yet in this old dog.

Do you know what the best bit was though?  I got a fancy certificate to put on the wall.  Of course this is never going to happen, but it will sit nicely in between my Motorbike Test Certificate and my First Aid Qualification in my folder of 'Useful Stuff'.  Actually, the First Aid one ran out over two years ago, but I can't bring myself to throw it away.  It reminds me that at some point in my life I might have been of some use in an incident requiring plasters or mouth to mouth.  I can't remember any of it now, so don't rely on me if you start feeling unwell all of a sudden.  The one thing I can remember from my three day course is the story the course leader told us about a knitting needle piercing someone's leg. 

Fat lot of use that was...I can't even knit...


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